Smart Home Lighting

Discover New Ideas for your Home Decoration and get the right Energy Saving Lighting Products for your Favorite Environment! Make your selection through our wide variety of LED, CFL and HALOGEN Economy Lamps and control your Home Lighting Conditions with your Smartphone or Tablet WiFi Appication!

Feel free to get in touch with our specialized team by calling our professional helpline at 0030-2105236646 and 0030-6937429164 (09:00 to 17:00) on a daily basis or send us an e-mail with your request at : We are always here for you in order to discuss your ideas and ready to suggest the perfect lighting solution that fits your needs and budget.

LOUCAS PANAGIOTIDIS SA | Areos Street & Naeadon 106, Paleo Faliro 17562 | Greece    
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